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Bit Fitting and Communication Points

Gail Johnson- 27 February 2015

When I go out and fit a bit, many aspects are taken into account including full bitting and dental history, horse and riders ages, experience and levels of training, any particular issues that they are working on at the present time and then I carry out a mouth assessment.  On this, I am looking in particular at the communication points the bit and bridle can use:  Poll, upper palate, nose, upper & lower bars, corners of the lips, chin groove and of course the tongue.  Although these are the points that can be used, obviously not every bit and bridle combination uses these points and some bits use a combination of them. 

Often people think of a stronger mouthpiece if having control issues but I often find that by bringing some of the other pressure points into use, we can avoid the use of an overly strong mouthpiece and spread the rein signal through other areas.  Examples of this type of bitting would be the Neue Schule Universal (choice of mouthpieces;  Tranz , Verbindend, Turtle Top or Waterford) with its leather curb strap and also the Myler Combination. 

As with any piece of tack, a new bit should be introduced in a methodical manner in a safe environment after seeking advice from a bitting specialist as to the most suitable bit.  For advice specific to your horse/pony, please contact Gail: or 07789 587 302.